2017 New York City Marathon
Registration Info

When is the race?
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Will I have to register for the race on my own?
You will start the registration process by submitting your credit card information (for a hold on the race fee) and Team World Vision will help coordinate the next steps by working out the details with you.

What is the fundraising minimum per person?

The minimum for this invitational event is $5,000. In order to receive your unique registration code, you will need to reach the $3,000 fundraising milestone by August 1, 2017. Once you reach $3,000, Carrie Schlough will provide you with your unique registration code and instructions for registration.

What are fundraising milestones?

Because this is a unique invitational opportunity, we ask that you will work to meet several fundraising milestones leading up to the race as follows. If you have not hit the $3,000 milestone by Aug 1, then we reserve the right to give your New York Marathon spot to another runner. BUT we KNOW you can do this and want to help you be successful!

  • June 1 - $1,000
  • July 1 - $2,000
  • August 1, $3,000 and receive registration invitation code
  • Sept 1 - $4,000
  • October 1 - $5,000

Will I be charged if I do not meet the $10,000?

You will only be charged the cost of the race fee ($295) if you fall short of your $10,000 fundraising goal by November 12th, 2017. If you miss your goal, you will NOT be charged the balance of your fundraising goal.

Will you send me a reminder notified before my credit card is charged? 
YES! Each runner will be notified 2 weeks before each benchmark date and 1 day before each benchmark date if they have yet to meet their fundraising goal.

What if I mailed in a check near the time of one of the benchmarks and it doesn’t arrive in time?
All you have to do is Add an Offline donation in your dashboard to reflect the check that you sent in. Once you do that, your fundraising level will be updated. If it says “pending” don’t worry about it -- we’ll reconcile the finances on the back end and we'll see that your info has been updated.

Still have questions?
Email Carrie at [email protected]